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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Definition of a Loser

Purse the Lifestyle You Desire!

Simply go to your banker if you want to find out what is important for your financial report card. You need to fill out your personal financial statement and let your banker decide whether you are rejected. If they don’t reject you, simply ask for more money. It is ok they reject you, just sit down and ask them what you can do to improve your financial report card. As Robert Kiyosaki had said that in order to find out what is important in the real world, as your banker. The education you receive could be priceless and life changing. They look at people’s report cards every day.

So the bankers know so much yet they are still working for the bank,minding someone’s else business. The answer is found in a subject he covered eartlier in his book - Newton’s Law.that states tjat.For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” The answer is to be a good, honest, successful policeman, a policeman must also be a good crook. Or why every coin has two sides, a bird has two wings and we have two hands and two legs, two eyes, two ears…and so forth. The reason the bankers are not rich is because they are too conservative and dare to take risks. In order to be rich, one must start with nothing, but one must be a good banker and a good gambler. One must prepare to pay the price twice. Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad said to him,”To be rich, you have to pay the price to be a good banker as well as a good gambler, and most people are neither.”

For Your Financial Freedom

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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