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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

About Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Toru Kiyosaki born April 8, 1947) is an investor, businessman, self-help author and motivational speaker. He is married to Kim Kiyosaki.Born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth-generation Japanese-American.

Although Robert Kiyosaki’s business is building businesses, his true passion is in teaching motivation courses. He is a highly acclaimed speaker on financial education and his work has inspired worldwide.

“I felt terrible the first time I failed (went bankrupt). I felt even worse the second time.” begins Robert Kiyosaki. “But yes, to me, it was worth it. If I had not failed twice, I would not have retired eighteen years early, nor would I be financially free today.”

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Robert Kiyosaki’s Advice

“Free advice is often the worst advice”. Meaning many people will offer you advice, but only a few will offer good advice. And

although Mr. Robert Kiyosaki recognizes that good advice may sometimes come freely, he suggests that paying an experienced, competent professional to share their opinions and advice with you is often a smart thing to do.

For Your Financial Freedom,

Lay Peng

P.S. Mr Robert Kiyosaki has Rich dad as his mentor while I have him, other Top Speakers and Word Class Speakers as mine

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.

Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Do you want to learn how to become wealthier and financially smarter?

Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant characterizes the four types of people in the world of business, helps you identify places and ways from which you can generate income, and teaches you where to focus your energy to generate additional income.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng
P.S: Mr Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

**** DISCLAIMER *****The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Friday, January 26, 2007

About Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Secrets: Why the Rich gets richer?

In fact, the rich live in a world most of us know nothing about. The rich follow a different set of rules for making and keeping money. They pay less in taxes and set their lives up in such a way that money constantly comes into their pockets. At the same time, they use expenses to their advantage. In other words, it’s the rules of the rich that make them rich.
Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, a self-made millionaire, learned from his rich dad … a dad that gave him not money, but only his secrets to acquiring great wealth in his book,. Rich Dad Secrets. He shares in Rich Dad Secrets to Money, Business, and Investing which offer the sessions about money.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

6 Ways To Control Your Approach To Life And Success

There are six ways to help you to become a better person and more successful in reaching your goals.
1 Use Affirmations
2.Find your Purpose
3.Harness the Power of Visualization
4.Connect with a positive greeting
5.Tap into your Enthusiasm
6.Lighten Up with Humour
Always position yourself at top positive role and full potential with a mentor like Mr.Robert Kiyosaki will make you more successful in life.

For Financial Freedom,

Lay Peng
P.S: Robert Kiyosakihas his Rich Dad as mentor, I have him, other top speakers and world class gurus as mine.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Holding on to success is harder than achieving it.

Many people achieve success, only to lose it because they are unable to sustain and maintain the standards that made them successful, or they were unable to adapt to changes around them.

But what is harder is your ability to maintain that success or move on to higher level. Likewise, to be successful in your life, you have to aim to be consistent that is being true to certain principles in your career and your personal life.

Many people fail to remain successful because they are unable to maintain the standards that make them successful or they cannot adapt to changes around them. You must always remember that changes are necessary and evolving fast. Learning is also part of the process for you to stay relevant and push you forward. Seminars by world class gurus and top speakers, coaching programs, Inspiration books and mentoring are some ways you can acquire to help you. Also you must have a circle of more successful and enlightened people to be in your network and your friends.

For more details, please visit

For your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

Monday, January 22, 2007

Choose A Life Less Ordinary

The wealth creation opportunities have grown exponentially over these years alongside technology and a flatter marketplace. Successful people today are not just university graduates, a number of them are likely from school dropouts.
The issue if whether to graduate in a field you have no interest in, or to find out what you want to do with your life and pursue that instead.
If you cannot pursue studies and have to dropout of school, you still have lots of opportunities to be successful. as a entrepreneur, online business owner
or a top speaker coaching and mentoring others by seminars online like Mr.Robert Kiyosaki.

for more details, visit www.topspeakeronline.com/blog

For Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

What does Success means to you?

Knowing the answer will help you plan the route to attain it.

There are 10 simple rules to guide you to achieve the success that you desire.
1. Each person has his/her definition of success.
2. Wanting success is the first step to attain it
3. Self trust is essential
4. Goals are stepping stones on your path
5. Your actions affect your outcome
6. Opportunities will present themselves
7. Each setback provides valuable lessons
8. Managing your resources and maximizes your efforts
9. Every level of success bring new challenges
10. Success is a process that never ends

Being successful is a process that never ends because out definitions of success are constantly changing and evolving. Live fully for this moment and enjoy the journey!

For Your Financial Freedom,
Lay Peng

for more details, visit

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Basic Elements to Success

You will not be able to learn new skills and mindsets if you do even attempt to try to get out of your comfort zone. Yes, it is up to you. No one will do this for you. I can tell you that help is available to you.

So what about you? Do you really want to succeed? Do you have the results in your focus? Is it pin-point clear? Have you started, even though you do not have it all together? Have you begun, even though the path is not always totally clear?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Are You ready to change your mindset and start venture?

Are you tired of going to work for someone else every morning? Is it a chore getting up at 5am, 6am (or earlier),getting dressed, getting yourself ready for the day, dealing with commuting to office and getting back home.Wouldn’t you rather be working for YOURSELF for a change? How about being able to make your income working for yourself, instead of making money for someone else?

Grab hold of your idea. Hold on to your dream. Get started today and take action NOW! Have you do up a plan, compelling reasons why you need to change and take steps to achieve your goals and dreams. People who dare not challenge themselves, change their mindsets will only be in that position of being an employee.

Most people are not prepared to succeed in business. This is due to being trained to become an employee as opposed to an entrepreneur. We are so use to being told what to do and how to perform task that we do not know how to run our own business. I’m not referring to theday-to-day management of our business as much as the mental mindset of being our own boss.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Do you want to make money work for you instead of you work for money?

The school system is still teaching people there’s job security and financial security are long term. The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school learning to become good employees but learned nothing about money.
The result is that people learned to work for money, but never learned how money can worked for them. This type of principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even the best of traditional jobs, it explains how those assets might be acquired so that the jobs can eventually be shed, is “financial literacy” that’s never taught in schools.

for more details, visit

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Want to find out 'Who are the Top Speakers Online?'.

Why do you want to find out 'Who are the Top Speakers Online?' Is it you want to learn and inspired by them? Yes, whatever reasons and information you want and get motivation from them. Let's start with one of the Top Speakers, Mr Robert Kiyosaki. Who is he and what can we learn from him?
Find out more........visit