Learn from the Best
What rating would you give yourself on personal development and productivity? Do you have a systematic plan for improving your effectiveness in your daily work? Are you aware of achieving to be effective, you have to take cue from the superachievers?
Learn From The Best, they have got through most difficult problems and maintain this high level of achievement.
Superachieving business people and athletes know what it takes to motivate themselves, maintain focus in the face of obstacles and drive forward to achieve their dreams. They take charge of their work by being aware of their personal patterns of behaviour, and then adjusting and experimenting with new ways of doing things.
Imagine if you could quickly recover from fatigue, mental setbacks, unforseen problems, overloaded task lists, a lack of time and all else that can stand in your way of working to near optimum levels. Top achievers begin the process by carefully noting what is and what is not in their control.
Cheers to your Financial Freedom!
Lay Peng