While these are excellent ideas for most people, and while there is a time and place for frugality, most people do not like these ideas of cutting up their credit cards, saving money, putting the maximum amount into their retirement plan, driving a used car, living in a smaller house, clipping coupons, shopping at sales, eating at home, passing used clothes from older kids down to younger kids, taking cheaper vacations, and other such tips..
Kiyosaki personally struggles with being too cheap at time, and yet he notices that people tend to smile more or like him more when he is generous.
When he tips a little extra for good service, it come back to him in other ways. In other words, people tend to like generous people more than cheap people.
When he tips a little extra for good service, it come back to him in other ways. In other words, people tend to like generous people more than cheap people.
P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.
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