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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Basic Financial Education

When people ask Robert Kiyosaki about what does one need to know financially. He always replies with this question,”Find out from your banker what is important to him or her? And you know what is important financially”. That is why one of the best mistakes he had ever made was to have bad grades in high school. If he had not had those bad grades in high school, he might never realized that his banker only asks him for his financial statement and as he said, most students leave school not knowing what a financial statement is.

Pursue More Time For Your Family Now!

Most people simply do not submit their own prepared financial statements, instead they fill out a financial statement the bank provides them, And that is why most people think that borrowing money means begging for money, rather than showing the banker why he or she should lend you money. Bankers don’t make money unless they lend you money. Always remember that a banker’s job is to lend you money, not turn you down. That is why when a banker turns you down, it is like a teacher saying to you,” You have failing grades.” It is really a good time to ask him or her you are doing correctly and what you can do to improve your financial statement… instead of getting angry at the banker. Your financial statement is your real report card once you grow up and leave school.

Join The 7th Fastest Growing Business In Asia Pacific Now!

What is Important on Your Financial Statement?
Different people look for different things on a financial statement. As Robert Kiyosaki
had said in his other books, a financial statement is like reading the story of a person’s life. A financial statement also shows the reader how financially smart or financially unintelligent person is with their money. The following are some of the things his rich dad taught him to look for on financial statements. The financial statement used is the financial statement from his board game Cash flow 101, which he invented to teach financial literacy, as well as the basics of investing.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng



P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Definition of a Loser

Purse the Lifestyle You Desire!

Simply go to your banker if you want to find out what is important for your financial report card. You need to fill out your personal financial statement and let your banker decide whether you are rejected. If they don’t reject you, simply ask for more money. It is ok they reject you, just sit down and ask them what you can do to improve your financial report card. As Robert Kiyosaki had said that in order to find out what is important in the real world, as your banker. The education you receive could be priceless and life changing. They look at people’s report cards every day.

So the bankers know so much yet they are still working for the bank,minding someone’s else business. The answer is found in a subject he covered eartlier in his book - Newton’s Law.that states tjat.For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” The answer is to be a good, honest, successful policeman, a policeman must also be a good crook. Or why every coin has two sides, a bird has two wings and we have two hands and two legs, two eyes, two ears…and so forth. The reason the bankers are not rich is because they are too conservative and dare to take risks. In order to be rich, one must start with nothing, but one must be a good banker and a good gambler. One must prepare to pay the price twice. Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad said to him,”To be rich, you have to pay the price to be a good banker as well as a good gambler, and most people are neither.”

For Your Financial Freedom

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Grades count in School, Financial Statements Count in Life

Build A Business That Generates Passive Income Now!

Receiving a failing grade at age fifteen turned out to be a very valuable experience for Robert Kiyosaki because he realized he had developed a bad attitude toward his studies. It was a wakeup call to make corrections He realized early in life that while grades are important in school, his financial statements would be his report card once he left school.
“In school, students are given report cards once a quarter. If a child is in trouble, the child at least has time to make the proper corrections if he or she wants to. In real life, many adults never receive a financial report card-until it’s too late. Because many adults do not have a quarterly financial report card, many adults fail to make the financial corrections necessary to lead a financially secure life. They may have a high paying job. A big home, a nice car, and they may be doing well at work, yet they are failing financially at home. They may be too old or out of time when they finally realize they have failed financially. That is the price of not having a financial report card at least once a quarter.” Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad said to him,
Yet, Robert Kiyosaki’s rich and poor dads did not treat their sons as failures. Instead, they encouraged their sons to learn from their mistakes. As his school teacher, his dad told him that “Fail is a verb…not a noun.”

Robert Kiyosaki

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng


P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Sunday, February 25, 2007

So What Kind of Education Do We Need in the Information Age?

Both of Robert Kiyosaki’s dad were great educators in many ways,. As stated in Robert Kiyosaki earlier books, they taught what they thought was important, but they did not teach the same things. The list below is summary of the education he received from both dads. Although there are many different types of education, which are all important, the following are the fundamental educational studies that are required for minimal security in the Information Age.
Scholastic Education: The education that teaches you how to read, write and do arithmetic.
Professional Education: The education that teaches you the skill to work for money, such as learning to be a doctor, lawyer, plumber, secretary, electrician, teacher.
Financial Education: The education that teaches you how to have money work hard for you.

Obviously, all three educational focuses are vital. If one is not able to read, write, or do mathematics, life in general is very hard. Unfortunately, many students are leaving school today not well skilled in these fundamentals.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Saturday, February 24, 2007

What is the Price of Being Cheap?

While these are excellent ideas for most people, and while there is a time and place for frugality, most people do not like these ideas of cutting up their credit cards, saving money, putting the maximum amount into their retirement plan, driving a used car, living in a smaller house, clipping coupons, shopping at sales, eating at home, passing used clothes from older kids down to younger kids, taking cheaper vacations, and other such tips..

Kiyosaki personally struggles with being too cheap at time, and yet he notices that people tend to smile more or like him more when he is generous.
When he tips a little extra for good service, it come back to him in other ways. In other words, people tend to like generous people more than cheap people.

For Your Financial Freedom

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Friday, February 16, 2007

What is the price of a Mistake?

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki did hold a grudge and still don’t like the teacherwho had failed his English subject. He does not like going to school after that and never like being told to study subjects. Although the emotional scars were deep, he did buckle down a little more, his attitude changed, his study habits improved and he graduated from high school on schedule. Later he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. He overcomes his fear of writing and actually learned to enjoy it, although he was still a poor writer technically.
Most importantly he took his dad’s advice and made the best of a bad situation. He realized that failing English and almost the tenth grade was a blessing in disguise. The incident caused him to buckle down and make a few corrections in his attitude and study habits. If he had not make corrections in the tenth grade, he would surely have flunked out in college.

For Your Financial Freedom

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pains And Pleasures!

Robert Kiyosaki

Everyone within the right frame of mind will go for pleasures not pains. Thus, it only makes sense for me to tolerant pains now provided that I can enjoy greater pleasures later. This conviction is even stronger if I could have taste greater pleasures first. This is like a glimpse into what my future if I were to adopt this approach of wise investment instead of spending on luxury items. I am also able to experience pains of no money for retirement at old age now instead, then I would associate pains with spending my earned income on luxury goods now. And this will be the same for the other cases.
If a smoker is able to experience the pains of lungs cancer now instead of pleasures of smoking and suffer in the future, then he would definitely associate pains instead of pleasure with smoking. He would associate pleasure with no smoking now if he could experience great health in the future. He would definitely stop smoking on his own accord.
If an obese person is able to experience the pains of bad health now due to overeating instead of suffering in the future, then he would definitely associate pains instead of pleasure with overeating. He would associate pleasure with no overeating now if he could experience great health in the future. Then he would definitely stop overeating on his own accord.
If an alcoholic is experiencing the pains of liver failure due to over consumption of alcohol instead of suffering in the future, then he would associate pains instead of pleasure with drinking alcohol. He would associate pleasure with no drinking of alcohol now if he could experience great health in the future.
Therefore in other words, the way that I associate pains and pleasures with things will determine my future. Based on this new understanding, I can make use of this association for pains and pleasures to my advantage. So to be rich and wealthy, I need to associate pleasures by adopting the approach obtained from the Rich Dad’s series by Robert Kiyosaki.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng
P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Using Rich Dad’s Principles

Build A Business That Generates Passive Income Now!

Using the principles his Rich Dad had taught him throughout his life, Kiyosaki founded a new business that is focused on passing Rich Dad’s invaluable lessons of money, success and financial freedom to people all over the world.

In short, I think this guy is one of us. He says some things that most of us don’t say, and he fails to say some things that most of us do say. But he is directing his energies to addressing the same basic questions. . That’s a good thing, and, to the extent he has offered real help to those people, he should be recognized as having done so. He is seen by many people who are frustrated with the conventional work and money rules to be offering a more rewarding path to follow

According to Kiyosaki, “wealth” as he views the term is measured as the number of days the income from one’s assets will sustain them. “Financial independence” is achieved when one’s monthly income from assets exceeds their monthly expenses according to him. This lesson is stressed repeatedly as one of Kiyosakis primary points when giving financial instruction. He states that the only way to achieve “true wealth” is through passive or residual income.

For Your Financial Freedom

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Different Types Of Income

Robert Kiyosaki

There are three different types of income in the world: earned, portfolio and passive, with earned or active income coming from your job, portfolio income coming from capital gains, generally from stocks and bonds, and passive income from real estate.
Active income means that I have to keep working to ensure that the cash keeps coming in. The moment that I stop working, the cash also stop coming in. A job is an example of an active income. The employer will stop paying me a salary if I stop working. The opposite of active income is passive income.

Passive income on the other hand does not require me to work actively for it. I can build a business that can run on its own. Even when I am not around, the business will run because there is a system.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

Passive Income

Robert Kiyosaki

According to Mr. Robert Kiyosaki‘s definition, one that generates positive cash flow is an asset. It is a liability if it does not generate any income, A car is liability if it does not generate a positive cash flow unless the car is rented out and the monthly rental is income, I will need to calculate to determine whether it is an asset or liability.
Firstly, I need to subtract the monthly repayment of car loan and maintenance costs from monthly rental income. If I get the result is positive, then it means that the car is generating a positive cash flow, thus it is classified as an asset. However if the result is negative, then it means that the car generates is giving a negative cash flow and therefore it is classified as a liability. Based on this new definition of what is an asset, I understand that if I can build up my wealth, I must have investment only in assets that can generate positive cash.
But is it that simple to just invest in any assets that generate me positive cash flow? When I invest in a business that is generating positive cash flow and all my time were taken by this business, then is this considered a good investment? Since I have no time and energy to think of building other sources of income, I do not think that this is a good investment. It is also like I must be working hard on this business. At any time when I was away and not on this business, my business could not sustain the results, then this is not the business that generates passive income.

Build A Business That Generates Passive Income Now!

Passive income on the other hand does not require me to work actively for it. I can build a business that can run on its own. Even when I am not around, the business will run because there is a system.Alternatively, I invest buying an asset that generates passive income. Basically I can leave it running on its own with little or no intervention on my part. For example, I could invest by buying property and renting it out. The only task that I need to do is just to collect monthly rental. The passive income derives from property means that I am an investor. This switch from active income earner to passive income earner is based on my understanding from the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng



P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Listening Skill - An Essential Skill For Selling And Life

Are you willing to lend a listening ear?
Firstly, listening skill is to give every opportunity to make the other person feel important. By listening attentively to what he or she has to say, you are showing attention and create an atmosphere of real need identification of the person. Secondly, it is best to avoid interrupting the other person after he or she has stopped speaking by slowing down and pausing for a few moments.

Selling Is Part And Parcel Of Life!
According to Robert Kiyosaki, one of the important skills to learn is selling. I decided that I wanted to learn selling and sharpen my listening skills.. This is because I realized the fact that I am always selling my ideas and information to someone everyday whether I like it or not. Selling is part and parcel of life

For Your Financial Freedom

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kiyosaki mania

Robert Kiyosaki has made millions bucking the system. Now there is a rush to join him. They wanted to be rich, like him.

Robert Kiyosaki
He was able to made millions from bankruptcy state bucking the system. Now others are rushing to join him.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Friday, February 09, 2007

Rich Dad’s Guide to Wealth with Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki
Social Security and Medicare are in a financial mess. The gap between the haves and have-nots is growing. Just affording to live is getting expensive!
Robert Kiyosaki certainly does not believe living frugally and being solely cheap is a way to get wealthy. He also talks about your standard of living need to be maintained while achieving wealth. It is a bit short-sighted to have such simplistic and absolute rules which doesn’t allow for improvisation or new opportunities.

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Are You Missing Out Something Big and Exciting?

Do you want to start an online business? Problem is how you are going to start. You may be able start with some basic internet knowledge. But if you are a newbie to the internet, don’t share my level of confidence about your ability to select a genuine online opportunity, then simply use these 3 steps. They are a very worthwhile time investment that many entrepreneurs miss out because they jump at the first opportunity that is being thrown in front of them, and guess what, they’ve been had. The reason for this is that today most ventures are very good at persuading you the guarantee to make a really significant income for a tiny investment.

Lay Peng

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

“Failure Precedes Success!”

The best way is to have a mentor to guide and teach you in the shortest time. But if I cannot find someone to coach me, then the next best alternative is learned from resources like books, videos and audio courses.Lastly, an actionable plan with quantified milestones is drawn up to measure my progress. Constantly checking my progress against my plan, I will be forced to reflect on my actions. Is there things I have done incorrectly that causes delay in my progress? What should I do to correct the situation?With all the above steps in place, I had apparently reduced my fear of failure. My chance of success is greatly enhanced.

For your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Understanding with Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Thanks to Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, I looked at my past and present and my future. My parents, typically are like his poor dad who had the same mindset. I am also complacent and school education really taught me to be a good employee. I dare not take risks, have fear of failure, afraid of changes and I lacked financial planning education.

Instead of working for money, you’ll learn how to make money work hard for you.
You’ll discover why you don’t need a high income to become rich—and that all you do need is the type of financial education: Find out more on Kiyosaki’s business school of coaching and Financial Literacy by watching his video at my website. It not only helps you gain Financial freedom, it is also Life changing education.

For Your Financial Freedom,

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Monday, February 05, 2007

What does Mr Kiyosaki see in the Special Value of Network Marketing?

It’s not the money.

Yes, plenty of money has been made and can be made.

Nor is it the products.

Yes, Kiyosaki admits that great Network Marketing companies have excellent products and services.

But that’s just NOT the main reason he points people in the direction of Network Marketing. So what DOES he base his recommendation on, if it’s not products and compensation plans?

It’s The Life-Changing Business Education!

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng


P.S: Mr Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Educational methodologies

In his words, "Education is more important today than ever before. But we need to teach people to think a little further than just looking for a secure job and expecting the company or the government to look after them once their working days are through. That is an 'Industrial Age' idea, and we aren't there anymore. The rules have changed." –Robert Kiyosaki 2000 Cashflow Quadrant
“The main reason people struggle financially is because they spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is people learn to work for money...but never learn how to have money work for them,” says Robert.
Kiyosaki says that life skills are often best learned through experience and that there are important lessons not taught in school. He says that formal education is primarily for those seeking to be employees or self-employed individuals. And according to Kiyosaki, in order to obtain financial freedom, one must surely be either a business owner or an investor, generating passive income. In effect, Kiyosaki stresses what he calls "financial education" as a means to obtaining wealth. (Robert Kiyosaki 2000 Cashflow Quadrant)

For Your Financial Freedom

Lay Peng

P.S: Mr Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog

Friday, February 02, 2007

Teachings Of Robert Kiyosaki

The teachings of Robert Kiyosaki focus largely on generating passive income by means of investment opportunities from real estate and small businesses. The ultimate goal generating passive income is being able to support oneself by such investments alone. In tandem with this, things that generate money, Kiyosaki defines as "assets” and things that cost money as "liabilities” and so on. He also proclaims financial leverage to be critically important in becoming rich.Kiyosaki stresses "financial education" as a means to obtaining wealth. Those According to him, in order to obtain financial freedom, either one must be a business owner or an investor, generating passive income.

"The Cashflow Quadrant" is a conceptual tool that aims to describe how all the money in the world is earned.

The real entrepreneur doesn’t work hard, the real entrepreneur knows how to leverage, either through people, through other people’s capital, or through different business associations.

For Financial Freedom

Lay Peng



P.S: Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has his Rich Dad as his mentor while I have him and other Top Speakers and World Class Gurus as mine.

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The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.Copyright © 2007 topspeakeronline.com/blog